Field Maintenance



Destroy eight June Monoliths, then report to Ekaterina Drabova upon completion.


Wait till I get my hands on that Gammon... I'll turn that meathead into a proper sausage... We've been stuck here for days, cut off from everything, and that lout didn't move a muscle! What do you expect from an orc?

In any case, we're glad to see you! Just in time, too.

We fixed an old June teleporter. You can't transport people with it, but cargo is a snap. Food, water, weapons, ammunition... If it wasn't for the wormfaces!

I guess there used to be a whole set of teleporters here, or something along those lines. The wormfaces rearranged some of the monoliths that were left over from other teleporters, and now I can't even send a scrap of paper, thanks to disruptions in the magical plane. We were ready to forget it all and head back to the outpost, but it's a different story now that you've arrived! If we destroy the old monoliths the connection with the outpost will be restored.


What's the good word?


I knew you'd do all right. We're back online with the outpost, and now we can get everything we need using the teleporter. Thanks much!


Experience: +2850

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