Ice Deity



Defeat ancient mammoth Toros and report to Maas-Tyna the Light-Footed.
  • Toros defeated


That crreature that the Tungars worship actually exists, eysh! The ancient beast dwells in one of the deepest Northern caves. Myk told me that they call it Toros.
Ay-hya... I took it for a regular old mammoth at first. But the body of this beast is obviously possessed by some hunhurr, eysh! It can control the power of cold and wind. The Tungars bring it offerings and believe that they can help it live forever so that it can annihilate all their enemies. And you know what the power of faith can do, zoor?
You will have to eliminate not only the mammoth, but also that crazy Tungars' cult. Tyk, Pyk, and even Myk have agreed to help you, even though the thought of facing Toros scares them to death. Follow the example of their courage! Brace yourself and slay the monster!
Ferris has never seen a hunt like that, eysh!


Beware of his accomplices, kylys. Even the most ridiculous lunatics are dangerous.


We all anticipated his death. Can you feel that, too, zoor? As if it has become warmer. And brrighter. And I can breathe more freely. What if he was actually... a god? Or something like that. It's a shame we will never find that out.
But I'm happy with the fact that Toros is gone. One less danger, eysh!

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