Best of Tungars




Fight the three Tungar champions - Tyk, Pyk, and Myk, and report to Maas-Tyna the Light-Footed.
  • Champions defeated


Believe it or not, there are decent warriors among the Tungars, eysh! They will dare to duel you, and they will fight till their last brreath. They are the last hope of these savages. All Tungars are now hiding behind the backs of their champions.
They know that you are coming, so they are rready to face you armed to the teeth. The best warrior, the best hunter, and the best shaman. Defeat them - and the Tungars will scatter in terror! Will you do that, zoor?
But don't kill them, no! Show merrcy. The spirits say those champions might turn out to be useful. A true hunter doesn't spill blood in vain!


Don't doubt their strength, frriend.


Grreat, kylys! It's even better than I'd thought. These three will help us move on, eysh! Now we don't have to fumble in the dark.

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