Cold Rage



Meet Maas-Tyna at the camp and participate in battle with Tungars.


Maas-Tyna, one of our best scouts, has discovered another savage camp. It's three times bigger than ours! And the savages seem to be eager to get rid of us. Their righteous anger can be understood since we were the first to spill blood, although reluctantly... But I will not let our expedition fail!
Their last raid cost us several boxes of equipment and loads of Mirra! That is why I have ordered to attack the savage camp before they come back again. I will be thankful if you agree to lead the raid!


Aho, frriend! I've heard a lot about you. The spirrits must love you! The big battle that is waiting for us can only be won by joint efforts. You will need a whole raid to defeat the currsed Tungars!

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