Welcome to Novograd!



Speak with Maya Korchakova at the inn.


Ah, a new face! Just who I was waiting for! I am Vera Shilova of the League Defenders. They're the League's guardians, the elite, the best of the best! We used to focus on battling the demons, but now that the demonic threat has been neutralized, we take care of many things.

For example, we greet newcomers to Kania. We are happy to see you, a citizen of the League, at the gates of our new capital! Welcome to Novograd!

There are many things going on in Kania and you can do your part by helping with the city's construction and addressing a number of other challenges facing our homeland.

We encourage all citizens to contact the Construction Council which is in need of volunteers. We also suggest you visit the Gibberling and Elven embassies where your services might also be required.

Are we all clear? Good. For your first good deed I would suggest you visit the inn. The innkeeper, Maya Korchakova, is a good friend of mine.

She just recently learned that her husband has died. Unfortunately we are at war, and such is the nature of the beast! The dear widow may need your help, so please lend her a hand!


What is it you want?


Vera sent you? What a kind soul she is! Don't look at me! I look awful - my eyes are all puffy from crying, my makeup is running... I'm having a tough time right now. My husband has just died.

Sometimes it just gets to me and then I'm nothing but a flood of tears. See, it's about to start again!


Experience: +680

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