Something's Not Right...



Tell Maria Trepetova about the strange incident with Crybaby the Crude.


The satyr obviously wants to tell you something. It's almost like he's begging for mercy, begging you not to kill him and his family... He hands you a small pile of nuts as a peace offering - it's all he has. A single tear slides down his cheek...

What strange behavior for a supposed spawn of the demons! Someone back at Maddox Depot should probably hear about this. Perhaps they're not the source of the darkness in the woods after all.


What? A satyr begged you not to hurt him? Have you lost your mind? Are you serving the League or not? Stop talking nonsense! If you don't want to join those rag-tag deserters, then you better march out there and fight those creatures! That's an order!


Experience: +5700

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