Thicket of the Primals



Drink the Shamanic Potion and go to the Thicket of the Primals.


Good. Now listen closely! I have brrewed a potion that will allow you to step on the path that can only be seen by ethereal spirits and that will lead you to the Thicket. No one knows whether it exists for rreal, or it only lives in our hearts and memory. But each Priden has met their Primal, and that encounter has defined their lives, eysh! Now this path is opened to you.
I don't know whether the Primals will be favorable to you, but remember that death stands by your side. The cub will die today, but will the Priden live? All depends on you, eysh!


Hey, who are you? You smell tasty... Yum!


Experience: +900

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