Invisible Front



Give transmitter to Herbert de Vevre at the Eastern Terminal on Ferris.


Well, well... I see you've been pretty busy behind our backs! Herbert turns out to be a ready-witted man. He's not our leader for nothing, after all! But all elves are like that. If you still didn't know that, he's one of the best agents of the Detective Bureau who was sent to join the Historians after what happened with Gorluxor.
Your words made me think of the Spinners, the ones that Tycoons fabricated at the Death Plant. Why? Just think of it - is Tep involved? He is. Is the Empire involved? It is indeed! So I'm wondering what are these "Gates" and "the Bestiary", and what do they have to do with all that. If Tep and the Empire had been working together for all this time... Then probably we have avoided destiny much more terrifying we'd thought - thanks to you.
I will surely keep in touch with Herbert at all times now. Take this artifact and bring it to him. And tell him from me to open his eyes and watch Zimina closely. The Great Game is not as tricky as Xadaganian intrigues! We can't let her turn the elf around her little finger because he has a crush on her.


Oh, stop picking on me, you great advisors. So she's an Imperial spy. Thank you very much, you have opened my short-sighted eyes. Are you happy now?
Ah... I'm sorry, I should keep it together. Of course, I had certain suspicions regarding miss Zimina. But I'd never thought that Murk would figure that out. How did he do that? He sensed "the smell of mystery"? Ha! As if I would believe that. He's much smarter than he seems to be. I guess he likes to maintain the image of an ingenuous but astute creature. Well, I'd give him that.
We should get back to work. By the way, Vincent wanted to ask you something.


Experience: +10585

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