Stab in the Back



Question the workers at the port, find the traitor and bring the proof of treason to Aidenus.


You managed to save a few lives while I... I sent an entire squadron to a certain death! We shouldn't have trusted the Empire! Never ever!

Tep is not only a threat to the League, or the Empire, or old fools like myself. No, he brings death to all living beings! And I was so naive as to decide we could only take care of him by siding with the Empire! What a blunder of mine...

I sided with Yasker himself. The Empire's soldiers faced the cult's intrigues. He had nothing left to do but agree on joint actions against our common enemy. But was it a common enemy?

Two squadrons, ours and the Empire's, went to the known coordinates, and then the comms with our ships were down. We lost our best squadron! Now our capital is exposed to attacks by the enemy fleet. Izbor suspects treason, and I'm inclined to agree with him. Seizing the opportunity to deliver a treacherous stab in our back is typical of the Empire. This only means one thing - we have a rat in our midst! Find it!

The squadron's deployment was top secret, only the workers and the port guards knew about it. Question them all, find the traitor and make him talk!


The Empire's saboteurs are extremely well-prepared, but remember - even the best spies have their cover blown by trifles...


What? The traitor was one of the guards? And she had an encrypted message on her? Strange and suspicious. The answer is too simple, the decision is too stupid, the suspect is dead, but she confessed everything before she died... And Committee agents are not especially talkative, you know!

We'll try deciphering the message, but only Tensess knows how much time it's going to take. I don't know who's behind it all, but we seem to be playing by someone else's rules...


Experience: +11700

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