Proofs from the Future



Bring Yasker an issue of The Imperial Herald, a Tentacle of Kixxar the Keeper and a letter from the present-day Yasker.


It's hard to believe you... Especially when you say that I'm going to succeed the Great Nezeb, hallowed be his name, and become the leader of the Empire!

Wait. Your clothes... are they from the future, too? So you can bring other items here?

That's the solution. Bring me something to prove your words. I heard a lot about the great Empire from you. Bring me a daily newspaper from the future. I'm sure Nezebgrad traders will sell you one.

The demons you mentioned, are they made of flesh? Bring me something demonic as a proof of their existence... Tentacle of... What's his name again you mentioned... Kixxar the Keeper!

And most importantly, bring me a letter confirming you are not a League spy. Written and signed by me... "Yasker, Leader of the Empire".

These items will make me believe you.


I didn't expect to see you again...


I can't believe it...

Year 1011 newspaper, my name on every page...

Look at this tentacle... It's disgusting! Is that what demons look like?

And the most important thing! A letter signed by me! Yasker, Leader of the Empire... Who could've think of it?


Experience: +5720

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