Meeting with the Mage Trainer



Speak with Semer Ramaz in Yasker's Tower.


Attention, attention!

Hear Yasker's new order.

"The Imperial Army has long been proud of its skilled and disciplined soldiers. Now that there is a war raging furiously in the Holy Land, everyone capable of wielding a sword or using magic should devote their utmost attention to perfecting their combat skills.

The best Imperial trainers are willing to assist you with learning all of the techniques you need to know. Hurry and learn what you can!"

Did you hear that? Do you know what needs to be done? Good.

The mage trainer, Semer Ramaz, is waiting for you in Yasker's Tower. He can teach you how to harness the elements and control their destructive power. Good luck!


Greetings. The mastery of elemental magic was perfected long ago by the first of the Great Mages. You are just beginning your journey in mastering these forces, and I will help you take your first steps.


Experience: +200

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