Welcome to Paradise!



Talk to Mikhail Korleone in the Seventh Seabed Resort.


The Seventh Seabed Resort is supposed to be a paradise in the desert. Unfortunately, I haven't been there myself. According to my orders I can only guard it, and I don't have permission to get inside. How I would love to be in there, for even one second...

Gah, this heat is scorching! And nothing but sand and vile creatures for as far as the eye can see. I bet inside the dome it's cool and lush. Maybe if I do a good job I'll get a promotion and be invited inside.

Yes, I'm chatting too much aren't I. You want to get inside immediately. You're so lucky! Here's your medallion, now you can walk into the dome through any of the three entrances. When you get inside report to the resort director Mikhail Korleone. He will be responsible for you during your stay.

Ok, that's it, go now. I can't look at you anymore, you're making me so jealous.


Who are you? A newcomer?


Aha, the medallion! Then you have full rights to be here. Welcome to the Resort! Only those closest to... I mean to say, only the most deserving citizens of the Empire receive permission to come here.

Well, I guess you've earned this for your heroic achievements. Even I have heard about them, so there's no question that you're deserving!


Experience: +3120

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