Exhibit of an Alchemist's Mastery



Synthesize 20 vials of volatile phlogiston and bring them to Victor Gvozdin.


All paths are open to the youth! Our guild accepts anyone who can demonstrate some degree of skill. But you will have to work hard to earn the respect of your colleagues and gain access to privileges and benefits.
An alchemist has lots of formulas in his notepad, including both poisons and medicines. Yet the ultimate proof of mastery is a substance that has not been utilized by our national economy so far: phlogiston, aka thermogen. Isolating this elusive fluid and confining it into a flask - that's a task for a true virtuoso! If you want to earn respect of your colleagues - bring me 20 vials of volatile phlogiston.


Maybe one day we'll figure out how we can use that substance too. For now, we'll keep practicing.


Not bad, not bad. I see you can handle the retort. Proceed on your own. Synthesize a couple dozen vials and let the phlogiston out in public. That will earn you more respect from your colleagues. Yet the further you proceed, the higher the bar is raised. Only newbies brag about volatile phlogiston. To surprise veteran craftsmen, you need strong or even concentrated phlogiston.



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