Shining Star



Go back to Khoor-Tarr in the settlement at the Guarded Cliff.


Light and Fire are the two greatest elements, young wolf. Your people were born out of Fire. It kept you warm and protected you, helped you survive severe frosts and find a way through the dark. Fire gave you Light.
Fire is ancient, and it is burning in the heart of each Priden who has been to the Thicket of the Primals. Light is young, and not many of you can accept its power. Light cuts its way through the dark that's surrounding the world, and it shines so brightly that even Death fears it!
Today you've faced Death, young Priden, and defeated it. Many cheat their Death to get out of the Thicket alive, but the ones who defeat it come out immortal!
Go, young Priden. Your life lies ahead of you, and Light is shining upon your path. Return to your Trainer and tell him, a new star is shining above the Thicket of the Primals. A star ignited with your Light!


Ay-hya! Welcome back! It's good to see you are alive!


Experience: +5100

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