Exhibit of a Craftsman's Mastery



Make an embroidered wallet, a tin glass-holder, a decorated cane or an embroidered shawl and bring them to Victor Gvozdin.


All paths are open to the youth! Our guild accepts anyone who can demonstrate some degree of skill. But you'll have to work hard to earn the respect of your colleagues and gain access to privileges and benefits.
The achievements of our national economy are too numerous to mention at once. We can make sharp blades, strong armor, and durable boots. Yet to demonstrate our skill, we craft items that are useless but extremely hard to make. Blacksmiths boast of their glass holders, leatherworkers brag about their wallets, tailors exhibit their shawls and weaponsmiths show off their canes. Are you skilled enough to make one of those? If so, bring it to me, and I'll witness your first step to recognition.


Of course, that's child's play, not serious items. But if they allow a craftsman to demonstrate his skill, then they are useful too, right?


Not bad at all. Aye, this is the work of a true master. And now, look what I'll do to it!
Relax... This is tradition: make a perfect item, then break it and trample it like some worthless junk made by an apprentice. We do it to keep ourselves from growing arrogant and thinking we have nothing to learn. You can proceed without me. Create and destroy your creation to remind yourself and others: you are never good enough to stop learning. Craft ever more sophisticated and beautiful things: from an embroidered wallet to an exquisite one, from a tin glass-holder to a gilded one. That's the only way to earn respect of the masters!



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