Links of One Chain




Talk to Igor Chudin and Yulia Kolesnikova about Akyl's treachery and the Black Stone found in the Yao Realm, then speak with Tyym-Khos the Black.


I can't believe my ears... Akyl is a ship captain, one of the few ones who are allowed to moor at Howlem. I've known him since we were toothless cubs, eysh! He decided to devote his life to trravelling instead of joining a Branch, but he was always loyal to our people! We are such akaras...
So who's that Master Akyl's been talking about? I don't know much about Tep, but I've heard he could command Demons. And what does this all have to do with the Black Stone?
I hope the tailless outlanders can give us the answers. Akyl and the rest of the enemies came from their lands, after all!


Have you found out anything important, kylys?


The Black Stone is the key to ancient Portals, zoor? Now I can see how the trraitor was pulling our paws, eysh! Did the tailless say anything about the Master? No? That's a pity. An unknown enemy is the most dangerous one!
Talk to Maas-Shosha about the Portal. Doolgas know more about those magical things than anyone.


Experience: +8525

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