Smell of Blood


  • Starts:
  • Ends:
  • Faction: /World/Factions/Pridens_League.(Faction).xdb
  • Level: 17
  • Required level: 16
  • Type: Single-player Quest
  • Can be completed instantly
  • Zone:


Kill 10 Bloodthirsty Hunhurrs among the ancient tombs and find what has attracted them, then return to Maas-Reckay in the Maas Camp.


Why are there so many hunhurrs here? I've never seen more than one at a time, but there at the Northern cemetery there are dozens of them. I'm afraid for the wounded that cannot join us in battle. I don't want to return to their bloodless bodies. And I also would like to know what they are among the tombs, eysh!
Kill those bloodthirsty hunhurrs that prowl around, and try to find what attracts them - it's better to destroy the root of evil than to fight its sprouts, eysh!


Did you find anything interesting, Enlightened?


It's good that you've found a way to drrive the hunhurrs away. The bad thing is, someone has lured them here deliberately... Our enemy is more dangerous than we thought. Ay-hya! Much more dangerous!


Experience: +2700

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