The Power of the Martyrs



Disperse the Luminescent Dust at the Astral Coast, defeat the demon, and gain the first Patronage ability. Return to Khuus-Margen.


The tailless strrangers have told us that on the day of the Great Disaster a dozen of Great Mages died trrying to save their people. Bless those bravehearts, eysh! They say, their tyarra was so strong that it didn't melt after separating with tyalla, but dissolved in the Great Nothing. And those twelve wizards help the Enlightened!
To earn their favor, you need to call upon them at the coast. The Luminescent Dust will make them sense your appeal. But be careful, dangerous monsters of the Great Nothing can also hear you!


Come on, eysh! Disperse the lights on the coast!


Perrfect! The Patron has replied to your call, and now you can benefit from his favor. Appealing to your Patron grants you the ability to heal your most severe wounds. Your gift will help you grreatly in the times of peace, too, but those won't last long...


Experience: +8550

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