Thievish Crows



Take away 15 Shiny Beads from the Greedy Crows and return them to Estelle de Grandeur at the League Embassy.


Oh... It was terrible!
I was trying on my dresses and couldn't decide which one was better - the scarlet silk one or the white laced one. They are both so beautiful.
Then I decided to try them with my shiny necklace. But as soon as I took it out of the box, something black and dire fell on me from above and snatched the necklace from my hands and flew away southbound!
I think it was a crow or a magpie, a giant one. It had a huge beak! I got so scared. Can you help me bring my necklace back? I would be very grateful!


I wonder which gloves should I wear - the crimson or the lilac ones? Or maybe no gloves at all? Everyone should see my beautiful manicure!


What rascals! They've tattered the thread... But at least all the beads are here.
Thank you! I will fix the necklace. I'm not only beautiful, but smart, too.


Experience: +2100

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