Road to the City




Go to the Residence and speak to Laan-Ingir the Gray.


We are not taking any more of your time! You probably have to go and do your Priden stuff. Call on us from time to time! Who knows, maybe you'll join our company one day... You are a talented actor, haha!
Meanwhile, we will think of how to get back at the Empire! No killing, of course. But our plan will be devious...
Some old Priden was looking for you, by the way. We heard someone calling him the Gray. You probably know who that was.


Aho, the Enlightened! As I can see, you didn't like the company of the furry strangers? Once our peoples used to share land and food! Only few ones know that. And I suggest you keep it in secret!
Are you wondering why I call you the Enlightened? Huh... Well, listen.


Experience: +4200

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