
Rank: 1
Single-target attack
The Warrior charges towards the selected target. If they are an enemy, they take XX damage and get immobilized for YY seconds
The Warrior gains the Chaser effect which increases movement speed by NN% for 4 seconds.
Increases Combat Advantage by 1
Rank: 2
Single-target attack
The Warrior charges towards the selected target. If they are an enemy, they take XX damage and get immobilized for YY seconds
The Warrior gains the Chaser effect which increases movement speed by NN% for 5 seconds.
Increases Combat Advantage by 1
Rank: 3
Single-target attack
The Warrior charges towards the selected target. If they are an enemy, they take XX damage and get immobilized for YY seconds
The Warrior gains the Chaser effect which increases movement speed by NN% for 6 seconds.
Increases Combat Advantage by 1

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