Shield Slam

Shield Slam
Rank: 1
Single-target attack
Defensive ability
A powerful shield bash that deals XX damage and interrupts ability casting. Generates 3 times more threat.
Also applies Wall of Shields to the Warrior for NN seconds, increasing their chance of blocking physical attacks with the shield by YY% (stacks up to 2 times). When an attack is successfully blocked, MM% of damage will be absorbed.
Damage dealt depends on the equipped shield.
Requires a shield.
Shield Slam
Rank: 2
Single-target attack
Defensive ability
A powerful shield bash that deals XX damage and interrupts ability casting. Generates 3 times more threat.
Also applies Wall of Shields to the Warrior for NN seconds, increasing their chance of blocking physical attacks with the shield by YY% (stacks up to 2 times). When an attack is successfully blocked, MM% of damage will be absorbed.
Damage dealt depends on the equipped shield.
Requires a shield.
Shield Slam
Rank: 3
Single-target attack
Defensive ability
A powerful shield bash that deals XX damage and interrupts ability casting. Generates 3 times more threat.
Also applies Wall of Shields to the Warrior for NN seconds, increasing their chance of blocking physical attacks with the shield by YY% (stacks up to 2 times). When an attack is successfully blocked, MM% of damage will be absorbed.
Damage dealt depends on the equipped shield.
Requires a shield.

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