
Rank: 1
Damage over Time
The Warrior deals XX damage to the target every second for 4 seconds, stunning them for 1 second. Ignores Tenacity.
Consumes 3 Tears of the Dragon.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Rank: 2
Damage over Time
The Warrior deals XX damage to the target every second for 4 seconds, stunning them for 1 second. Ignores Tenacity.
Consumes 3 Tears of the Dragon.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Rank: 3
Damage over Time
The Warrior deals XX damage to the target every second for 4 seconds, stunning them for 1 second. Ignores Tenacity.
Consumes 3 Tears of the Dragon.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.

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