Chain of Light

Chain of Light
Rank: 1
Area of Effect Attack
A bright ray deals damage to the enemy and then switches to the closest hostile target within 8 yards, dealing the same amount of damage. Can affect up to 8 targets.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.
Chain of Light
Rank: 2
Area of Effect Attack
A bright ray deals damage to the enemy and then switches to the closest hostile target within 8 yards, dealing the same amount of damage. Can affect up to 8 targets.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.
Chain of Light
Rank: 3
Area of Effect Attack
A bright ray deals damage to the enemy and then switches to the closest hostile target within 8 yards, dealing the same amount of damage. Can affect up to 8 targets.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.

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