Heavenly Smite

Heavenly Smite
Rank: 1
Area of Effect Attack
Deals XX damage to the target and nearby enemies within range. All affected enemies will take YY Holy damage every second for the next 8 seconds.
All affected enemies will also be knocked down for 4 seconds, and enemy characters — for 1.5 seconds. The targets then become immune to knockdown for 30 seconds.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.
Heavenly Smite
Rank: 2
Area of Effect Attack
Deals XX damage to the target and nearby enemies within range. All affected enemies will take YY Holy damage every second for the next 12 seconds.
All affected enemies will also be knocked down for 4 seconds, and enemy characters — for 1.5 seconds. The targets then become immune to knockdown for 30 seconds.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.
Heavenly Smite
Rank: 3
Area of Effect Attack
Deals XX damage to the target and nearby enemies within range. All affected enemies will take YY Holy damage every second for the next 16 seconds.
All affected enemies will also be knocked down for 4 seconds, and enemy characters — for 1.5 seconds. The targets then become immune to knockdown for 30 seconds.
If Fanaticism is available, the ability is used instantly for 1 level of Fanaticism.

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