
Rank: 1
The Healer ties themselves to an allied target with Light.
30% of damage from the next 3 attacks on this target (if they exceed 5% of the Healer's health) will be redirected to the Healer.
If taking damage from those attacks applies negative effects, these effects will not be applied to the target or the Healer. If these effects do not require that the target take damage, they will still be applied to them.
The effect lasts 10 seconds.
Rank: 2
The Healer ties themselves to an allied target with Light.
30% of damage from the next 3 attacks on this target (if they exceed 5% of the Healer's health) will be redirected to the Healer.
If taking damage from those attacks applies negative effects, these effects will not be applied to the target or the Healer. If these effects do not require that the target take damage, they will still be applied to them.
The effect lasts 10 seconds.
Rank: 3
The Healer ties themselves to an allied target with Light.
30% of damage from the next 3 attacks on this target (if they exceed 5% of the Healer's health) will be redirected to the Healer.
If taking damage from those attacks applies negative effects, these effects will not be applied to the target or the Healer. If these effects do not require that the target take damage, they will still be applied to them.
The effect lasts 10 seconds.

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