Bulwark of Unity

Bulwark of Unity
Rank: 1
The Healer maintains a protective aura with a range of XX yards around them for 4 seconds.
If the health of an ally in the Stronghold drops below NN%, they will be instantly healed for YY% of their maximum health (once for the duration).
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Protection for MM seconds.
Aspect of Assault
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Sacred Word for seconds with a 60% effectiveness.
Aspect of Healing
The effectiveness of the Sacred Word effect applied by the aura is rank 3, but it lasts seconds.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The power of the effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Bulwark of Unity
Rank: 2
The Healer maintains a protective aura with a range of XX yards around them for 5 seconds.
If the health of an ally in the Stronghold drops below NN%, they will be instantly healed for YY% of their maximum health (once for the duration).
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Protection for MM seconds.
Aspect of Assault
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Sacred Word for seconds with a 60% effectiveness.
Aspect of Healing
The effectiveness of the Sacred Word effect applied by the aura is rank 3, but it lasts seconds.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The power of the effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Bulwark of Unity
Rank: 3
The Healer maintains a protective aura with a range of XX yards around them for 6 seconds.
If the health of an ally in the Stronghold drops below NN%, they will be instantly healed for YY% of their maximum health (once for the duration).
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Protection for MM seconds.
Aspect of Assault
Every time a party member in the Stronghold takes damage, all party members gain Sacred Word for seconds with a 60% effectiveness.
Aspect of Healing
The effectiveness of the Sacred Word effect applied by the aura is rank 3, but it lasts seconds.
Consumes 6 Tears of the Dragon. The power of the effect depends on their quality.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.


Bulwark of Unity
You defend the united allies.

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