Guiding Light

Guiding Light
Rank: 1
Teleports you to a friendly target, healing you both by XX. The distance between you and the ally must be at least 5 yards.
If you are in the Aspect of Healing, casting this spell on self increases its efficiency by 50%.
Guiding Light
Rank: 2
Teleports you to a friendly target, healing you both by XX. The distance between you and the ally must be at least 5 yards.
If you are in the Aspect of Healing, casting this spell on self increases its efficiency by 50%.
Guiding Light
Rank: 3
Teleports you to a friendly target, healing you both by XX. The distance between you and the ally must be at least 5 yards.
If you are in the Aspect of Healing, casting this spell on self increases its efficiency by 50%.

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