Death Sentence

Death Sentence
Rank: 1
The Paladin passes a sentence on the target, applying Death Sentenceto them for 8 seconds. The number of stacks equals 2.
When taking direct damage from the Paladin, the target will have Helplessness applied to them for 1 second and will take XX physical damage (regardless of the number of stacks of the effect). This consumes one effect stack.
The ability does not work on especially dangerous enemies.
Death Sentence
Rank: 2
The Paladin passes a sentence on the target, applying Death Sentenceto them for 8 seconds. The number of stacks equals 3.
When taking direct damage from the Paladin, the target will have Helplessness applied to them for 1 second and will take XX physical damage (regardless of the number of stacks of the effect). This consumes one effect stack.
The ability does not work on especially dangerous enemies.
Death Sentence
Rank: 3
The Paladin passes a sentence on the target, applying Death Sentenceto them for 8 seconds. The number of stacks equals 4.
When taking direct damage from the Paladin, the target will have Helplessness applied to them for 1 second and will take XX physical damage (regardless of the number of stacks of the effect). This consumes one effect stack.
The ability does not work on especially dangerous enemies.

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