Blood Aegis

Blood Aegis
Rank: 1
Defensive ability
The ally gains the Blood Aegis effect which absorbs damage equal to 10% of the Summoner's maximum health.
Applies 2 levels of the effect.
Taking direct damage removes 1 level of the effect, but no more than once per second.
The effect lasts 15 seconds.
Blood Aegis
Rank: 2
Defensive ability
The ally gains the Blood Aegis effect which absorbs damage equal to 10% of the Summoner's maximum health.
Applies 4 levels of the effect.
Taking direct damage removes 1 level of the effect, but no more than once per second.
The effect lasts 15 seconds.
Blood Aegis
Rank: 3
Defensive ability
The ally gains the Blood Aegis effect which absorbs damage equal to 10% of the Summoner's maximum health.
Applies 6 levels of the effect.
Taking direct damage removes 1 level of the effect, but no more than once per second.
The effect lasts 15 seconds.

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