Lash of the Doomed

Lash of the Doomed
Rank: 1
Damage over time
The Summoner deals XX damage four times while the effect lasts.
Damage dealt is increased by 1% per each 1% of health lost by the Summoner.
Aspect of Assault
When the ability is interrupted or the effect runs out, the target gains Wounds for 4 seconds.
Cannot be used under the effect of Dark Veil.
Lash of the Doomed
Rank: 2
Damage over time
The Summoner deals XX damage four times while the effect lasts.
Damage dealt is increased by 2% per each 1% of health lost by the Summoner.
Aspect of Assault
When the ability is interrupted or the effect runs out, the target gains Wounds for 4 seconds.
Cannot be used under the effect of Dark Veil.
Lash of the Doomed
Rank: 3
Damage over time
The Summoner deals XX damage four times while the effect lasts.
Damage dealt is increased by 3% per each 1% of health lost by the Summoner.
Aspect of Assault
When the ability is interrupted or the effect runs out, the target gains Wounds for 4 seconds.
Cannot be used under the effect of Dark Veil.

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