
Rank: 1
Summons Lurker, your minion, who helps you fight your enemies.
It deals YY Shadow damage every 1.5 seconds and generates drops of blood with every other attack.
Lurker's incoming damage from single-target and periodical attacks reduces by XX%. Immune to area of effect attacks.
Minion's health equals your maximum health.
Rank: 2
Summons Lurker, your minion, who helps you fight your enemies.
It deals YY Shadow damage every 1.5 seconds and generates drops of blood with every other attack.
Lurker's incoming damage from single-target and periodical attacks reduces by XX%. Immune to area of effect attacks.
Minion's health equals your maximum health.
Rank: 3
Summons Lurker, your minion, who helps you fight your enemies.
It deals YY Shadow damage every 1.5 seconds and generates drops of blood with every other attack.
Lurker's incoming damage from single-target and periodical attacks reduces by XX%. Immune to area of effect attacks.
Minion's health equals your maximum health.


Necromancer's Minion.

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