Ritual of Pain

Ritual of Pain
Rank: 1
You apply the following effects to the target depending on the level of Ritual of Pain:
Level 1: Neurotoxin and Avid Shadows;
Level 2: + Wandering Fever;
Level 3: + Volatile Infection.
The strength of the effects depends on the level of the corresponding abilities. If the ability has not been unlocked, the effect will not be applied.
Requires Aspect of Support
Requires Aspect of Assault
Ritual of Pain
Rank: 2
You apply the following effects to the target depending on the level of Ritual of Pain:
Level 1: Neurotoxin and Avid Shadows;
Level 2: + Wandering Fever;
Level 3: + Volatile Infection.
The strength of the effects depends on the level of the corresponding abilities. If the ability has not been unlocked, the effect will not be applied.
Requires Aspect of Support
Requires Aspect of Assault
Ritual of Pain
Rank: 3
You apply the following effects to the target depending on the level of Ritual of Pain:
Level 1: Neurotoxin and Avid Shadows;
Level 2: + Wandering Fever;
Level 3: + Volatile Infection.
The strength of the effects depends on the level of the corresponding abilities. If the ability has not been unlocked, the effect will not be applied.
Requires Aspect of Support
Requires Aspect of Assault

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