Poison Charms

Poison Charms
Rank: 1
The Scout casts Poison charms on their arrows and blades. The Scout's next attack will gain an additional effect. Check the descriptions of abilities that can be used with charms to learn more about the effects.
If the damage of your next ability is modified by rubies or special effects, the damage of the charms is modified correspondingly.
The damage grows with each rank of the ability. The effect of the charms lasts for 10 seconds.
Poison Charms
Rank: 2
The Scout casts Poison charms on their arrows and blades. The Scout's next attack will gain an additional effect. Check the descriptions of abilities that can be used with charms to learn more about the effects.
If the damage of your next ability is modified by rubies or special effects, the damage of the charms is modified correspondingly.
The damage grows with each rank of the ability. The effect of the charms lasts for 10 seconds.
Poison Charms
Rank: 3
The Scout casts Poison charms on their arrows and blades. The Scout's next attack will gain an additional effect. Check the descriptions of abilities that can be used with charms to learn more about the effects.
If the damage of your next ability is modified by rubies or special effects, the damage of the charms is modified correspondingly.
The damage grows with each rank of the ability. The effect of the charms lasts for 10 seconds.


Poison Charms
Your next attack will inflict additional Poison effect.

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