Shady Strike

Shady Strike
Rank: 1
Single-target attack
Deals XX damage to the enemy.
If your charms are inactive, restores 2 Gear pieces.
Additional charm effects:
Fire Charms: deals an extra YY Fire damage to the target.
Poison Charms: poisons the target for 8 seconds, dealing NN damage per second.
Frost Charms: applies the Sluggishness effect to the target for MM seconds, slowing them down by 50%.
Shady Strike
Rank: 2
Single-target attack
Deals XX damage to the enemy.
If your charms are inactive, restores 2 Gear pieces.
Additional charm effects:
Fire Charms: deals an extra YY Fire damage to the target.
Poison Charms: poisons the target for 8 seconds, dealing NN damage per second.
Frost Charms: applies the Sluggishness effect to the target for MM seconds, slowing them down by 50%.
Shady Strike
Rank: 3
Single-target attack
Deals XX damage to the enemy.
If your charms are inactive, restores 2 Gear pieces.
Additional charm effects:
Fire Charms: deals an extra YY Fire damage to the target.
Poison Charms: poisons the target for 8 seconds, dealing NN damage per second.
Frost Charms: applies the Sluggishness effect to the target for MM seconds, slowing them down by 50%.

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