
Rank: 1
Damage from melee attacks is reduced by 30%.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by YY%.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast 33% faster.
The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to 44 yards, and their damage is increased by 5%.
Incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
You must have at least one active aspect to activate this stance.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.
Rank: 2
Damage from melee attacks is reduced by 30%.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by YY%.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast 66% faster.
The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to 46 yards, and their damage is increased by 10%.
Incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
You must have at least one active aspect to activate this stance.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.
Rank: 3
Damage from melee attacks is reduced by 30%.
Allows you to use Volley, Bombardment, and Deadly Shot while moving. While sustaining Volley and Bombardment, the Scout is slowed down by YY%.
Precise Shot, Aimed Shot, and Explosive Shot are cast 100% faster.
The range of these abilities, and the range of Bombardment and Volley is increased to 48 yards, and their damage is increased by 15%.
Incoming damage is reduced by 10%.
You must have at least one active aspect to activate this stance.
Only one Stance can be active at a time.

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