Secret Path

Secret Path
Rank: 1
You teleport instantly to the selected spot.
Nature's Grip is triggered in the Warden's starting point, dealing XX damage to all enemies within range every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Assault
The Warden also gains the Acceleration effect for 6 seconds.
Secret Path
Rank: 2
You teleport instantly to the selected spot.
Nature's Grip is triggered in the Warden's starting point, dealing XX damage to all enemies within range every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Assault
The Warden also gains the Acceleration effect for 6 seconds.
Secret Path
Rank: 3
You teleport instantly to the selected spot.
Nature's Grip is triggered in the Warden's starting point, dealing XX damage to all enemies within range every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Assault
The Warden also gains the Acceleration effect for 6 seconds.

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