
Rank: 1
Plants flowers that heal all party or raid members within range for XX every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Support
When the flowering area appears, all party or raid members within MM yards will have one random negative magic effect removed from them, and all enemies within range will lose a random positive magic effect.
While the area exists, it continues to remove one random negative magic effect from party or raid members and one random positive magic effect from enemies every seconds.
Rank: 2
Plants flowers that heal all party or raid members within range for XX every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Support
When the flowering area appears, all party or raid members within MM yards will have one random negative magic effect removed from them, and all enemies within range will lose a random positive magic effect.
While the area exists, it continues to remove one random negative magic effect from party or raid members and one random positive magic effect from enemies every seconds.
Rank: 3
Plants flowers that heal all party or raid members within range for XX every second for YY seconds.
Aspect of Support
When the flowering area appears, all party or raid members within MM yards will have one random negative magic effect removed from them, and all enemies within range will lose a random positive magic effect.
While the area exists, it continues to remove one random negative magic effect from party or raid members and one random positive magic effect from enemies every seconds.

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