Hold in Contempt

Hold in Contempt
Rank: 1
A bright flare blinds the enemy and applies Muteness to them which prevents them from casting spells for 2 seconds. If the target is not a player character, they will have Helplessness applied to them instead, which blocks all abilities.
Hold in Contempt
Rank: 2
A bright flare blinds the enemy and applies Muteness to them which prevents them from casting spells for 3 seconds. If the target is not a player character, they will have Helplessness applied to them instead, which blocks all abilities.
Hold in Contempt
Rank: 3
A bright flare blinds the enemy and applies Muteness to them which prevents them from casting spells for 4 seconds. If the target is not a player character, they will have Helplessness applied to them instead, which blocks all abilities.

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