
Rank: 1
Maintained Ability
Damage over Time
Area of Effect Attack
In 2 seconds, the Mage casts a spell that deals massive damage to all enemies within 20 yards of the Mage. The ritual deals XX damage that grows every second the ability is maintained.
Consumes 5 Tears of the Dragon. The spell deals more damage if Tears of the Dragon of a higher quality are used.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Rank: 2
Maintained Ability
Damage over Time
Area of Effect Attack
In 2 seconds, the Mage casts a spell that deals massive damage to all enemies within 20 yards of the Mage. The ritual deals XX damage that grows every second the ability is maintained.
Consumes 5 Tears of the Dragon. The spell deals more damage if Tears of the Dragon of a higher quality are used.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.
Rank: 3
Maintained Ability
Damage over Time
Area of Effect Attack
In 2 seconds, the Mage casts a spell that deals massive damage to all enemies within 20 yards of the Mage. The ritual deals XX damage that grows every second the ability is maintained.
Consumes 5 Tears of the Dragon. The spell deals more damage if Tears of the Dragon of a higher quality are used.
You can use only one ability for dragon tears every 30 seconds.

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