
Rank: 1
Damage over Time
Creates an Astral Phantom in the selected spot. The Phantom attacks the target affected by the Psionicist's Mental Link.
Deals YY damage every 2 seconds.
Disappears in 13 seconds. Phantom's health equals XX% of the Psionicist's maximum health. The maximum number of Phantoms - 6.
The Phantom is unable to move and is immune to damage and control effects.
If the Psionicist's Mental Link is inactive, it attacks a random target.
Rank: 2
Damage over Time
Creates an Astral Phantom in the selected spot. The Phantom attacks the target affected by the Psionicist's Mental Link.
Deals YY damage every 2 seconds.
Disappears in 14 seconds. Phantom's health equals XX% of the Psionicist's maximum health. The maximum number of Phantoms - 6.
The Phantom is unable to move and is immune to damage and control effects.
If the Psionicist's Mental Link is inactive, it attacks a random target.
Rank: 3
Damage over Time
Creates an Astral Phantom in the selected spot. The Phantom attacks the target affected by the Psionicist's Mental Link.
Deals YY damage every 2 seconds.
Disappears in 15 seconds. Phantom's health equals XX% of the Psionicist's maximum health. The maximum number of Phantoms - 6.
The Phantom is unable to move and is immune to damage and control effects.
If the Psionicist's Mental Link is inactive, it attacks a random target.

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