Psionicist's Mental Link

Psionicist's Mental Link
Rank: 1
You establish a mental link with your target.
The link is required to reach the maximum efficiency of certain abilities.
The link breaks if the distance to the target exceeds 60 yards.
You can establish only one mental link at a time.
Psionicist's Mental Link
Rank: 2
You establish a mental link with your target.
The link is required to reach the maximum efficiency of certain abilities.
The link breaks if the distance to the target exceeds 60 yards.
You can establish only one mental link at a time.
Psionicist's Mental Link
Rank: 3
You establish a mental link with your target.
The link is required to reach the maximum efficiency of certain abilities.
The link breaks if the distance to the target exceeds 60 yards.
You can establish only one mental link at a time.

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