Spectral Assassin

Spectral Assassin
Rank: 1
Damage over Time
Creates a ghostly copy of the target behind its back which attacks the original.
Deals XX damage every 2.5 seconds.
Lasts NN seconds.
Only the target of the attack can see the copy.
Spectral Assassin
Rank: 2
Damage over Time
Creates a ghostly copy of the target behind its back which attacks the original.
Deals XX damage every 2.5 seconds.
Lasts NN seconds.
Only the target of the attack can see the copy.
Spectral Assassin
Rank: 3
Damage over Time
Creates a ghostly copy of the target behind its back which attacks the original.
Deals XX damage every 2.5 seconds.
Lasts NN seconds.
Only the target of the attack can see the copy.

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