
Rank: 1
Area of Effect Attack
Heart-rending music deals XX damage to the target and all enemies in the area of effect around them.
The next Etude deals YY% of its damage to all enemies within NN8 yards of the target.
Cannot be used together with the Solo effect.
Rank: 2
Area of Effect Attack
Heart-rending music deals XX damage to the target and all enemies in the area of effect around them.
The next Etude deals YY% of its damage to all enemies within NN8 yards of the target.
Cannot be used together with the Solo effect.
Rank: 3
Area of Effect Attack
Heart-rending music deals XX damage to the target and all enemies in the area of effect around them.
The next Etude deals YY% of its damage to all enemies within NN8 yards of the target.
Cannot be used together with the Solo effect.


Your next Etude will inflict damage over the area.

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