
Rank: 1
Area of Effect Attack
The Bard creates a magical sound wave. The wave affects NN targets, picking the closest target within 20 yards.
If the target is an enemy, they take XX Astral damage.
If they are an ally, they are healed for YY and have Protection applied to them for 2 seconds.
Cannot affect the same target twice.
Rank: 2
Area of Effect Attack
The Bard creates a magical sound wave. The wave affects NN targets, picking the closest target within 20 yards.
If the target is an enemy, they take XX Astral damage.
If they are an ally, they are healed for YY and have Protection applied to them for 2 seconds.
Cannot affect the same target twice.
Rank: 3
Area of Effect Attack
The Bard creates a magical sound wave. The wave affects NN targets, picking the closest target within 20 yards.
If the target is an enemy, they take XX Astral damage.
If they are an ally, they are healed for YY and have Protection applied to them for 2 seconds.
Cannot affect the same target twice.

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