Reactor Blowdown

Reactor Blowdown
Rank: 1
Single-Target Attack
The Engineer releases the energy accumulated by the reactor and deals massive damage to the target.
If the reactor reaches 200 degrees, it deals YY Acid damage to the target.
If the reactor is cooled by 200 degrees, it deals XX physical damage to the target.
Casting this ability resets the reactor's temperature to zero.
Reactor Blowdown
Rank: 2
Single-Target Attack
The Engineer releases the energy accumulated by the reactor and deals massive damage to the target.
If the reactor reaches 200 degrees, it deals YY Acid damage to the target.
If the reactor is cooled by 200 degrees, it deals XX physical damage to the target.
Casting this ability resets the reactor's temperature to zero.
Reactor Blowdown
Rank: 3
Single-Target Attack
The Engineer releases the energy accumulated by the reactor and deals massive damage to the target.
If the reactor reaches 200 degrees, it deals YY Acid damage to the target.
If the reactor is cooled by 200 degrees, it deals XX physical damage to the target.
Casting this ability resets the reactor's temperature to zero.

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