Frag Bomb

Frag Bomb
Rank: 1
Single-Target Attack
Damage over Time
The Engineer throws a bomb at a single target. It inflicts YY damage and applies the Shrapnel effect. While under this effect, the target takes XX physical damage every second for 6 seconds.
Increases the temperature of the reactor by 200 degrees.
Frag Bomb
Rank: 2
Single-Target Attack
Damage over Time
The Engineer throws a bomb at a single target. It inflicts YY damage and applies the Shrapnel effect. While under this effect, the target takes XX physical damage every second for 6 seconds.
Increases the temperature of the reactor by 200 degrees.
Frag Bomb
Rank: 3
Single-Target Attack
Damage over Time
The Engineer throws a bomb at a single target. It inflicts YY damage and applies the Shrapnel effect. While under this effect, the target takes XX physical damage every second for 6 seconds.
Increases the temperature of the reactor by 200 degrees.

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