Spider Suppressor

Spider Suppressor
Rank: 1
The Engineer sends a mechanical spider to the selected spot. The spider apply Immobilization to all enemies within range in its way for 2 seconds. If the affected targets leave and then enter the area of effect again, the effect will be renewed.
When the spider reaches the destination, it self-destructs.
Your passive talents that affect your devices do not work on the spider.
Spider Suppressor
Rank: 2
The Engineer sends a mechanical spider to the selected spot. The spider apply Immobilization to all enemies within range in its way for 2 seconds. If the affected targets leave and then enter the area of effect again, the effect will be renewed.
When the spider reaches the destination, it self-destructs.
Your passive talents that affect your devices do not work on the spider.
Spider Suppressor
Rank: 3
The Engineer sends a mechanical spider to the selected spot. The spider apply Immobilization to all enemies within range in its way for 2 seconds. If the affected targets leave and then enter the area of effect again, the effect will be renewed.
When the spider reaches the destination, it self-destructs.
Your passive talents that affect your devices do not work on the spider.

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