Stream of Chaos

Stream of Chaos
Rank: 1
No Face
Area of Effect Attack
The Demonologist releases a stream of Astral energy at the target and all enemies within 8 yards of them.
All victims take XX damage 6 times while the effect lasts.
Their movement speed is reduced by 80%, and they have the Vulnerability effect applied to them for the duration of the ability and for 2 more seconds after it ends.
Stream of Chaos
Rank: 2
No Face
Area of Effect Attack
The Demonologist releases a stream of Astral energy at the target and all enemies within 8 yards of them.
All victims take XX damage 6 times while the effect lasts.
Their movement speed is reduced by 80%, and they have the Vulnerability effect applied to them for the duration of the ability and for 2 more seconds after it ends.
Stream of Chaos
Rank: 3
No Face
Area of Effect Attack
The Demonologist releases a stream of Astral energy at the target and all enemies within 8 yards of them.
All victims take XX damage 6 times while the effect lasts.
Their movement speed is reduced by 80%, and they have the Vulnerability effect applied to them for the duration of the ability and for 2 more seconds after it ends.

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