Veil of Darkness

Veil of Darkness
Rank: 1
Aspect of Defense
Defensive ability
The Demonologist is surrounded by a ghostly veil for 8 seconds, which reduces incoming damage by %. The veil redirects to the Demonologist YY% of damage taken by their party or raid members within range (the Demonologist does not take the redirected damage if it has killed the ally).
The veil also reduces damage taken by the Demonologist by XX%.
Veil of Darkness
Rank: 2
Aspect of Defense
Defensive ability
The Demonologist is surrounded by a ghostly veil for 11 seconds, which reduces incoming damage by %. The veil redirects to the Demonologist YY% of damage taken by their party or raid members within range (the Demonologist does not take the redirected damage if it has killed the ally).
The veil also reduces damage taken by the Demonologist by XX%.
Veil of Darkness
Rank: 3
Aspect of Defense
Defensive ability
The Demonologist is surrounded by a ghostly veil for 14 seconds, which reduces incoming damage by %. The veil redirects to the Demonologist YY% of damage taken by their party or raid members within range (the Demonologist does not take the redirected damage if it has killed the ally).
The veil also reduces damage taken by the Demonologist by XX%.


Veil of Darkness
Incoming damage is reduced by XX%. Redirects YY% of the damage taken by allies within range to the Demonologist.

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